Awareness Events in November

November. Peak pumpkin spice month, among other much-loved things such as autumn, sweaters, and the start of the holiday season, which crescendos in the soon-to-come December (or peppermint mocha season, if you think in terms of latte flavors). November has a ton of reasons to celebrate. And while you might immediately hone straight in on Thanksgiving, there are plenty of other awareness campaigns and celebrations to get behind. In this piece, we’ll discuss the myriad of November events to consider adding your brand’s voice to, from medical awareness days to reading and writing events to veganism. Seriously, we cover them all. Keep reading for more information, and even a few suggestions for how to get your brand involved.

National Events in November

November is a big month for events, with the biggest being Thanksgiving. But, there are several other big name event days in November to celebrate, too. Here, our top five.

Thanksgiving Held annually on the fourth Thursday of November, Thanksgiving is a big deal. Enough so that most workers get a day off, and for some, the next day, too (known as Black Friday, and a mega shopping day). While Thanksgiving was first celebrated in 1789 thanks to George Washington, it wasn’t considered a federal holiday until 1863, during Abraham Lincoln’s presidency. Today, the tradition of Thanksgiving is, as the name suggests, a day for giving thanks for all the blessings in one’s life – food, family, friends, jobs, etc. This air of thanks provides a natural opportunity for businesses to give thanks to their customers and clients for supporting their brand throughout the year. It is a great time to give literal thanks by gifting them promotional products.
Veterans Day An annual day of celebration, honor, and remembrance of those who served in the military, Veterans Day is held November 11. Veterans Day is sometimes confused with Memorial Day, held in May, but the difference is quite distinct: Veterans Day celebrates all veterans, while Memorial Day honors those who died while in military service. Consider having your brand celebrate Veterans Day by running a campaign highlighting local veterans or supporting/teaming up with veteran-owned businesses for a special November deal. Another idea is to offer special discounts or gifts to your veteran customers.
World Kindness Day This international event is held annually on November 13. Its goal is to champion the profound impact of simply being kind, and the power and effect it can have on others around the world. Consider joining in on this smile-inducing day by running your own “Kindness Campaign.” This could be an internal event that highlights exceptional employees whom display kindness throughout the year. Externally, consider highlighting a foundation or charity that has ties to your brand (by location or relatability) and either hosting a fundraising event for them, or simply sharing their story to your broader audience in a joint marketing/awareness campaign centered around kindness.
America Recycles Day Recycling is an important step in cleaning up our world, but it’s not necessarily an easy concept to grasp, despite what people may think. Recycling varies between communities across the country, and tainted recycling (i.e. mixing in non-recyclables with recyclables) can damage recycling equipment and render more waste. America Recycles Day, held each year on November 15, is an opportunity to publicly pledge to recycle, and learn more about the do’s and don’ts of recycling. The conversation around going green and sustainability only grows louder each day – and businesses aren’t excluded. Consider having your business take the recycling pledge, set up a green team of employee volunteers, or host a park clean-up near your headquarters, complete with recycling education.
Humane Society Anniversary Day Held each year on November 22, this day celebrates the Humane Society’s founding anniversary. The Humane Society aims to end the suffering of animals by fighting against animal cruelty, and providing safe housing for animals suffering from abuse or neglect. Additionally, the first week of November is Animal Shelter Appreciation Week, which honors animals in shelters, and the many individuals who help run and care for them. Consider hosting an animal shelter volunteer event with your employees in November, or sponsoring an animal adoption event in your local community.

Medical Awareness Days and Events in November

November has many medical awareness days that may be appropriate for your brand to promote, particularly if you are in the health, wellness, or a medical-related field, such as a hospital or pharmaceutical company. Here is a list of awareness days with a brief description of each to help determine if joining in on any of these days fits your brand and messaging.

Lung Cancer Awareness Month Lung cancer kills 433 Americans every day. The Lung Cancer Foundation of America holds this month-long campaign in hopes to raise awareness of this tragic disease, which includes sharing facts about lung cancer and survivor stories, raising money for research, and educating the public on early diagnosis and treatment options.
Alzheimer’s Awareness Month Alzheimer’s, a progressive brain disorder that destroys memory and other cognitive functions over time, is alarmingly common. An estimated 3 million new cases are found yearly in the U.S., and an estimated 50 million exist worldwide (including Alzheimer’s and other dementias).
National Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month Pancreatic cancer is a rare but devastating form of cancer, with survival after diagnosis of Stage 4 a mere 3-6 months on average. This month-long awareness campaign seeks to save lives through advocacy, including from a clinical and research perspective, as well as a patient’s perspective.
Home Care and Hospice Month Home care, which provides health care needs in the home, such as skilled nursing and physical therapy, and hospice care, which is comfort care for an individual at the end of his or her life, can make a huge difference in both patients’ and their families lives. This month-long awareness event seeks to show appreciation for the value of home health and hospice workers.
COPD Awareness Month Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, or COPD, is an annual worldwide event to raise awareness about COPD, which affects an estimated 65 million people worldwide (either moderate or severe COPD). It is progressive and currently incurable. This awareness campaign hopes to provide education and support for those living with COPD.

Additional November Events

Looking for even more options to celebrate and/or help raise awareness for some excellent causes during the month of November? Check out these additional November events to get your business involved in celebrating and/or raising awareness. As always, we recommend joining forces with events that resonant with your brand. If exploring something new, we suggest working with someone from the parent organization, or, another brand that is already involved in the event to ensure your contributions and efforts are appropriate.

American Education Week American Education Week represents the tradition of celebrating the wonderful opportunity of public education and the individuals who make a difference within public education. It’s a week-long tradition that first began in 1921. In 2019, it will be held from November 18-22.
Youth Appreciation Week An international event that seeks to make youth feel important and as contributing members of society around the globe, Youth Appreciation Week is a great event to get involved in if your business is family/youth friendly, or actively seeking interns.
International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women According to the United Nations, 1 in 3 women around the world experience physical or sexual violence in their lifetime. In an effort to raise awareness, the UN has designated November 25 as International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women.
Great American Smokeout Despite smoking being the single largest preventable cause of death and illness, 34 million Americans still smoke. The Great American Smokeout, held annually on November 21, aims to encourage smokers to quit through education and the offering of resources that can help.
National Family Volunteer Day Held annually on the Saturday before Thanksgiving, National Family Volunteer Day aims to kick off the holiday season with giving and service. It’s a great event that encourages the whole family to get involved. In 2019, it will be held on November 23.
National Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week An average night in America sees almost 550,000 individuals homeless, and 42 million at risk of suffering from hunger. This week-long campaign draws attention to the issue, as well as advocates for ways to help those either at-risk or already suffering from hunger and/or homelessness. In 2019, it will be held from November 16-24.
World Hello Day Hello. So simple, so kind, and so easy. This is what World Hello Day aims to show people around the globe – that personal communication is an important tool for preserving peace. It is held annually on November 21.
Vegan Month Vegan Month is a worldwide event observed by vegans around the globe to celebrate veganism, educate those who may be curious about adopting a vegan lifestyle, and sharing recipes and tips for anyone interested.
United States Marine Corps Day Also known as the Marine Corps birthday, the annual event is held on November 10. It is celebrated with the Marine Corps ball, and quite fittingly, a cake cutting. The date is significant, as it is the day the Continental Marines were established in 1775.
Native American Heritage Month First created in 1990 by then-president George H. W. Bush, Native American Heritage Month celebrates the significant contributions of Native Americans to our country.
National Radiologic Technology Week The aim of National Radiologic Technology Week has a two-fold significance; first, to celebrate the important work radiologic technologists do; and second, to honor the discovery of the x-ray by Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen on November 8, 1895. The week-long celebration takes place annually during the week that includes November 8. In 2019, it will be held November 3-9.
Home Care Aide Week Home Care Aide Week takes place November 14-20 as a way to celebrate and show gratitude for the tireless work home care aide workers do on a daily basis for individuals dealing with illness and disease.
National Marrow Awareness Month This month-long event celebrates the important work transplant physicians and researchers do to advance the field of marrow transplants, which can be a life-saving donation. It also honors the individuals who have donated their marrow to help save lives, and hopes to encourage more individuals to donate their marrow.
National Young Readers Week Held annually during the second week in November since 1989, National Young Readers Week seeks to raise awareness about the importance of reading.
National Geography Awareness Week Held annually during the third week of November, National Geography Awareness Week, created by the National Geographic Society, hopes to educate individuals of all ages about the importance of place, to understand geo-spatial issues, and recognize the impact of individuals on geography.
National Family Caregivers Month Family caregivers are an integral part of the American health care system and economy by providing care for loved ones that isn’t covered by health insurance, often at the expense of themselves. National Family Caregivers Month aims to raise awareness of caregiver issues, celebrate the work they do, educate caregivers so they can self-identify themselves, and advocate for better support of family caregivers.
Military Family Appreciation Month Being a member of a military family can be difficult, especially during long trainings and deployments. November celebrates the important role of the military family in providing support and care for members of the military. This month-long campaign celebrates and honors the duties of the military family.
National Scholarship Month Scholarships are an important part of paying for education for many students. National Scholarship Month, sponsored by the National Scholarship Providers Association, campaigns to spread awareness about scholarships.
National Novel Writing Month Also known as NaNoWriMo, this fun, creative writing event takes place every year in November. The gist? Writers aim to complete an entire novel in a mere 30 days, while building community and encouraging one another along the way.
National Family Week Held annually the week of Thanksgiving, National Family Week advocates for strengthening families through support and community resources.
National Adoption Month This month-long awareness campaign is held annually to promote education around adoption, to hold adoption-related events, and to honor those individuals impacted by adoption.
Diwali Diwali, the festival of lights, is one of the most popular Hindi celebrations. It is celebrated by Hindus, Jains, Sikhs, and some Buddhists every autumn. While the actual dates change each year, it is generally celebrated somewhere in between mid-October and mid-November. It is a five-day celebration with much jubilation.
Educational Support Personnel Day Many people work alongside teachers in schools to ensure students have a safe, healthy, and educational school day. These individuals include clerical services, admin supports, food services, and custodial and maintenance services, to name a few. Educational Support Personnel Day is a day to single out all those individuals to thank them for their tireless work. In 2019, it will be held November 20.
Family Stories Month Held annually each November, Family Stories Month encourages families to share stories from their ancestors as a means to better understand one’s personal history. It’s a great way to kick off the upcoming holiday season by spending time together and learning about one’s family from generations past.

November is a great month for your brand to get involved in any number of awareness events. With Thanksgiving as the big holiday this month, it is a perfect time to usher in gratitude, appreciation, compassion, and connectivity to your community. Plus, the holiday season of Christmas, Hanukah, and New Year’s are just around the calendar bend, bringing with them an air of festivity and a desire for some do-gooding. You just may find the special holiday buzz encourages others to get involved in your awareness celebrations and/or campaigns, increasing their chances of success, whether it be something tangible such as fundraising, or just spreading education and awareness.

With that in mind, the holidays are fast approaching! November is the time to order corporate gifts, if you haven’t already. Hop on to create your order, or get in touch with one of our eager customer service representatives, who will happily walk you through each step of ordering – including brainstorming, if needed, to find the perfect gift for your brand and customers, vendors or employees.

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Katie S.

Reviewed By: Kaite S. - Digital Marketing Manager

Tenacious brand warrior who is laser-focused on boosting our brand through effective social media presence and multiple resources. Principal producer of marvelous messages and email exposés. Message + Creative maestro who has an opening for a puppy co-worker with the expectation they stay clear of her pommes frites.