Buying Guides

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Buying Guides2018-10-26T14:34:36+00:00

Promotional Products Buying Guides

Sometimes, choosing the right promotional product to represent your brand can be a daunting task. No need to worry because we’ve put together several guides featuring all sorts of items and even providing some tried-and-true examples. These promotional product buying guides will provide all the information that you need in order to choose the correct products for any marketing campaign. Whether you’re looking for small giveaways or high-end corporate gifts, we can narrow down your search and ensure you’re making the right decision.

Company Swag Guide

Are you ready to boost your brand recognition and employee morale with swag items? You've come to the right place. Whether you're in commerce, health care or education, this company swag guide will be your go-to resource. Let's learn how to leave a memorable impression on your clients, employees and partners. What Is Company Swag? Company swag items — also known as promotional products — feature a company's logo, brand colors or message. These items are highly versatile, and businesses can use them as an intelligent marketing technique, employee incentive, engage prospects or foster brand loyalty. Swag can include any item you can think of — [...]

By |July 9th, 2024|Buying Guides|

Welcome Gifts for New Employees

The tone you set on a new hire's first day will carryover into their work and connections with co-workers. A carefully curated welcome package promoting your brand and company culture is one of the most effective ways to make new team members feel welcomed and enthusiastic about coming aboard with your company. Providing welcome gifts for new employees is an excellent way to start their tenure on a positive note, but putting an effective kit together requires thought and inspiration. Follow these tips for new hire kits, including how to create them and the best welcome gifts to include. The [...]

By |June 25th, 2024|Buying Guides|

20 High-End and Luxury Corporate Gifts

You can recognize your employees' hard work and foster long-lasting client relationships by showing your appreciation. And what better way to do so than with a gift? Whether you're looking to impress customers or thank your dedicated team, we've curated a collection of VIP gift ideas that exude sophistication and style. Use this guide as your go-to resource for high-end corporate gifts — from personalized grooming kits to premium wine gift sets, we've got you covered. Now, let's reflect the value you place on those who contribute to your success. Express your gratitude beyond mere words by choosing a luxury gift from this list — tailored for employees [...]

By |May 24th, 2024|Buying Guides|

College Acceptance Kits — What to Include

If you work in a college admissions office, you know making prospective students feel welcomed and appreciated is paramount. College acceptance gift boxes are one way to celebrate their achievements and give them a taste of campus life — even if they have yet to accept your offer. How can you benefit from sending out college acceptance gifts to new students, and what items can you include in the kit to honor their proud moment? This guide explores six valuable benefits and 20 engaging welcome kit ideas. The Benefits of Sending College Acceptance Gifts Students may receive acceptance letters from [...]

By |May 20th, 2024|Buying Guides|

What You Need to Know About Creating a Brand Style Guide

Your brand style guide is the blueprint that ensures consistency and cohesion in how your brand presents itself to the world. It is a comprehensive document outlining the visual and verbal elements that define your business or organization's identity. It guides style, composition and your brand's general look and feel. From logos to color palettes, tone of voice and typography — it provides employees and stakeholders with crucial guidelines to maintain a unified brand image across all communication channels. Find out what key components to include in your visual style guide and explore our practical tips for adjusting this document [...]

By |May 2nd, 2024|Buying Guides|

Brand Design 101: A Guide to Developing Your Company’s Brand

Every business wants a brand identity that is instantly recognizable and distinct from any other. Creating a powerful brand takes more than just a logo and color scheme — it requires research, planning and strategy. With the right process, you can develop a memorable brand design that connects with your target audience and increases brand awareness and loyalty. In this guide, you'll learn more about branding and the key elements of successful brand design. We'll guide you through the 10 steps of the brand development process so you can create a strong strategy backed by insights. You'll also discover how [...]

By |May 2nd, 2024|Buying Guides|