Buying Guides

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Buying Guides2018-10-26T14:34:36+00:00

Promotional Products Buying Guides

Sometimes, choosing the right promotional product to represent your brand can be a daunting task. No need to worry because we’ve put together several guides featuring all sorts of items and even providing some tried-and-true examples. These promotional product buying guides will provide all the information that you need in order to choose the correct products for any marketing campaign. Whether you’re looking for small giveaways or high-end corporate gifts, we can narrow down your search and ensure you’re making the right decision.

Popular Color Trends for Apparel

After a few seasons of neutral and monochromic looks, 2024 is proving to be a color-filled year. Some of the top trends are bolder and brighter than ever before, while others are more subdued and soft. If you're considering ordering branded apparel for your business, paying attention to current apparel color trends can help you design pieces that people cannot wait to wear. We are breaking down the top color trends of the year and how you can use them to your advantage. Why Choosing On-Trend Colors Is Important for Your Apparel Explore the key reasons your business should pay [...]

By |May 1st, 2024|Apparel, Buying Guides|

Corporate Event Planning Guide

Corporate events can help businesses flourish. With opportunities for networking, fostering new ideas, creating team bonds and introducing your brand to prospective clients or customers, corporate events offer many possibilities for generating revenue and reaching goals. However, event planning takes time. Successful events require forethought, and you must understand your goals before beginning the process. An organized planning process and effective tips can create a smooth experience for you while sparking interest and engagement from your team and other attendees. Event planning can be much more manageable with a guide like this one to establish organizational tips and ensure you [...]

By |March 19th, 2024|Buying Guides|

New Student/Freshmen Orientation Kits: What to Include

As a school administrator or educator, you can set your new students up for success before the first day of school with an orientation kit. An orientation kit informs students of what to expect during orientation and beyond. Providing the essential tools and information can help them adjust to life on campus. Amid all the busyness, your incoming students need a single point of reference to help them in their initial high school or college days. During their first orientation session, provide them with materials such as campus maps, procedures and essential contact details. Remember to make it fun by adding school T-shirts, [...]

By |March 19th, 2024|Buying Guides|

Corporate Team Building Guide

Company culture and corporate team building are far more than empty buzzwords you hear around the office. These tangible concepts can transform your employees into a highly effective team. You can explore leadership styles, values, expectations and goals when your company emphasizes team building positively — and you get to do so as a united front. Through team building, companies have the opportunity to foster a productive and collaborative environment that thrives on trust and authentic support. Explore this comprehensive corporate team-building guide for insights into best practices and inspiring ideas. The Value and Impact of Team Building Corporate team [...]

By |March 15th, 2024|Buying Guides|

A Guide For Eco-Friendly Gift-Giving

Choosing to integrate eco-friendly gifts into your corporate gifting strategy is a responsible choice that will foster positive relationships with clients and stakeholders. This also aligns your organization with current values and trends while making a valuable environmental impact. Small businesses and larger corporations alike are seeing the benefits of switching their day-to-day business to more sustainable living practices. This switch includes the rise of sustainable gift-giving at trade shows and during holidays. Eco-friendly gift-giving is about finding the most sustainable way to show appreciation to customers and employees. Various facets of gift-giving can be more sustainable, from the gift [...]

By |December 12th, 2023|Buying Guides|

A Guide to Inclusive Holiday Gifting

Having a diverse team of people with different backgrounds and beliefs speaks volumes about your company. A team that spans cultures and other demographics will always be lively, interesting, innovative and open to learning as you explore one another's traditions. When you have a diverse team, you'll want to consider how to connect with everyone during the holiday season. This guide to inclusive holiday gifting is the perfect starting point. Discover how you can be mindful of your employees' traditions with this wide range of gift ideas. Tips for Being Inclusive During the Holidays Holidays are a time for togetherness [...]

By |December 4th, 2023|Buying Guides|