Promotional Items For Movie Theaters and Cinemas
The use of promotional items for movie theaters and cinemas can accomplish several different goals. These items can be used to promote a movie, a theater, or simply to cash in on the popularity of a big hit movie. Items designed to promote a theater may be distributed at certain places or locations, to increase the interest in getting people to visit that theater. For example, this is the case when a theater is new or newly remodeled. In order to increase public awareness of the cinema, theater owners will create campaigns using different items and printed materials encouraging the public to come and visit their theater.
It is common for newly built shopping malls to have at least one new theater. Since there will be a lot of shopping traffic, the theater can use the most appropriate gift items to attractive the people to their theater. The smell of buttered popcorn, posters displaying popular movie stars, free gifts, effectively draws people to buy a ticket and enjoy a great film. Sometimes, a theater may decide to update and upgrade their public image, especially for the older cinemas. After a while, people may have stop noticing the theater. Or, maybe a new theater was just built, and the older theater needs to compete for audience. Part of their new image might be to change the design of the popcorn boxes, beverage cups, plates, and other things. It’s amazing how many additional customers can be acquired by giving the business a face lift.
When a potential block buster movie is about to be released, a lot of money and effort goes into marketing, advertising, and promoting the movie. The promotional items used would take a theme or idea related to a character in the movie, that people interested in the movie, would like to buy. Many times, these items become collector’s items; and they may soar in value over time. For popular children’s films, toys can be created based on characters in the movie, and sold at toy stores and department stores. This is true not only toys, but there is usually an equally strong interest in clothes that may have designs on them that relate to a favorite movie. It is not unusual for the profits from the sales of children’s toys and clothes, to rival the ticket sales from the movie.
Depending on the budget for promotions, campaigns can be created that go from basic to extravagant. Each campaign, no matter how large or small, is significant. During a campaign, it is important to take note of things that tend to work well, and the things that clearly don’t make much of a difference. Armed with the knowledge gained from promotional campaigning, owners and managers are better able to create realistic budgets and to allocate the resources needed, appropriately.