ePromos doesn’t require you to upload files and move them around on the screen. We want you to spend your time finding just the right product for your needs. We’ll handle the artwork for you — just send us the files by email or a hard copy by mail. Our skilled graphic artists will catch unforeseen problems, make recommendations, and review your artwork and lay it out for you on an eProof.
What if I don’t have artwork?
If you don’t have artwork, it’s not a problem. Sketch out or send us a file describing what you’re looking for and we’ll help you out. We will do simple typesetting of your name and message at no charge! Here is a list of some standard fonts. If you don’t see a font that you like, just tell us the name or describe it and we’ll try to locate it for you. You can also have our skilled graphic artists develop some new logo concepts for you. We’ll give you five unique ideas and 2 revisions for $300 with any purchase. An eProof will be provided for you to review on all orders.
What if I want a specific color match imprinted?
Many of our decoration methods allow for the opportunity to closely match the imprint color to a specific requirement. Customers who require specific color matching should provide us with “PMS” color numbers where applicable. PMS stands for Pantone Matching System®. For more information on the Pantone Matching System click here. We have an online pantone color chart that you can use to compare colors relative to themselves. Be aware that all monitors are different and the color you see on the screen will surely be different when viewed in person. Where PMS matching is available, there is typically a $49.00 charge per color for this service as inks need to be carefully blended to achieve a close match to your color. In rare cases, this charge may be greater. This charge is also applicable on reorders. If your logo is to be embroidered, we will select a thread which most closely matches your PMS color and you will have the opportunity to see this choice when you approve your “sew-out.”
What graphic file type should I send you?
The ePromos Creative Services team will do our best to work with whatever form of artwork you have, however, in an effort to complete your order quickly, we would prefer to receive your artwork in vector format. Please submit your vector artwork in one of our preferred file types listed below.
Preferred Vector File Types:
AI or EPS (Adobe Illustrator)
• Convert text to outlines, embed any linked images and save as version Illustrator CC or lower.
INDD (Adobe Indesign)
• Export as an Indesign package and select included fonts and links in Save options.
PDF (Adobe Acrobat)
• Embed the fonts used or export as generic .eps.
CDR (Corel Draw)
• Convert text to curves and save as version X6 or lower.
Other Accepted File Types (Non- Vector*):
*May delay order process due to file conversion depending on the imprint method.
PSD or EPS (Adobe Photoshop)
• Embed or include fonts.
DOC, PPT or PUB (Microsoft Office Files)
• Embed or include fonts.
BITMAPS (Image Files)
• May appear with file extensions in the name such as; .jpg, .bmp, .png, .tif, .pict.
Full Color Artwork:
Products that offer Full Color imprints are a great way to print multiple colors in your artwork. When submitting artwork for this imprint method, please keep the following details in mind.
• Vector artwork is always preferred but if you are uploading photography or non-vector artwork (e.g. JPEGs), please make sure they are no less than 300dpi at the size it will be printed. If your designs are a mix of photography and design, make sure the embedded photographs used are above the recommended pixel sizes. Be mindful, since an image downloaded from or saved for web is typically low res and will not work for printing processes.
• Due to limitations of this imprint method, we cannot guarantee the colors to match as they appear on screen but we will make our best efforts to ensure the quality and consistency of color within each order. We do prefer that artwork be created and sent to us in CMYK color mode. You may also upload in RGB if you prefer, however the color will be converted into CMYK and may not be as accurate.
We can use low resolution graphics for this imprint method, since your artwork will be re-rendered in stitches. Please note that the smallest text size that can be embroidered is typically around 3/16″ to 1/4″ in height. Fonts should ideally be non-serif. It is often necessary to modify or drop text entirely for small imprint areas.
Remember, it might be a bit of a hassle now, but once we have it on file, you’ll never have to deal with it again. All sounding too complicated? Our team is here to make your ordering process easy and enjoyable. Contact a Brand Consultant now at 800-LOGO-216.
Where do I send my art?
Please send your artwork directly to your rep. If you do not have a rep, please call 800-LOGO-216 to speak with a Promotions Specialist. If you are ordering online, you can upload your artwork while placing your order.