Adult Immunization Awareness Week

Adult Immunization Awareness WeekThis year, celebrate National Adult Immunization Awareness Week with promotional products from ePromos! Each year in the United States, up to 60,000 adults die from vaccine-preventable diseases or their complications. Promotional products are a great way to help raise awareness of this alarming statistic.

In its 18th consecutive observance, National Adult Immunization Awareness Week emphasizes the need for health-care providers and public health officials to intensify their adult vaccination efforts. This week is typically held in the early fall of every year, before the height of cold and flu season. In addition to the influenza and pneumococcal vaccines, the Centers for Disease Control recommends all adults be vaccinated against diphtheria, hepatitis A and B, measles, mumps, rubella, tetanus, meningococcal disease, and varicella.

There’s no better way to encourage adults to go get their shots than with promotional products! Make sure your clients schedule time to visit the doctor’s office with promotional planners. Shots are sure to feel almost pain-free when your customers are given customized stress balls to squeeze! And it’s not just kids who deserve to be rewarded for doing a good job at the doctor-our promotional lolipops are guaranteed to put a smile on every adult’s face!

Make sure the clients you care most about stay healthy. Call ePromos today for more great promotional National Adult Immunization Awareness Week ideas!

For some other great promotional opportunities, check out our promotional calendar.

Promote Adult Immunization Awareness Week with ePromos Promotional Products

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Katie S.

Reviewed By: Kaite S. - Digital Marketing Manager

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